sábado, 25 de março de 2017

Conclusão do projeto (Project completion)

Enfim, concluímos o projeto interdisciplinar do Scratch. Foi um trabalho que exigiu tempo e dedicação, mas graças ao empenho do grupo concluímos dentro do prazo exigido e obtivemos um resultado gratificante. Com êxito, postamos aqui, o link para acesso do vídeo no youtube, o qual foi gravado de modo a apresentar o protótipo após finalizado: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbBr6_OR2aI

(Finally, we concluded the interdisciplinary project of Scratch. It was a job that took time and dedication, but thanks to the commitment of the group we concluded within the required deadline and obtained a rewarding result. We have successfully uploaded the link to access the video on youtube, which was recorded in order to present the prototype after it has been completed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbBr6_OR2aI )

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